get rid of insomnia fast

An online group for women who want to get rid of insomnia without pills or drastic lifestyle changes

You’ve struggled with insomnia for TOO LONG. It’s your new normal and it’s agonizing.

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  • You worry and think about sleep all day long, but you can’t seem to fall asleep easily.

  • You’ve tried everything-sleeping pills, teas, oils, over the counter sleep aids, searching on Google, watching hundreds of YouTube videos, posting in Facebook groups, blood tests, doctors’ visits- BUT NOTHING WORKS!!

  • You’re tired of laying awake in bed at night with your thoughts.

  • You wake up every morning feeling like a zombie- half asleep and half awake. No one seems to understand your pain.

  • Lack of sleep puts you in a terrible mood, it affects you at work, your social relationships are suffering and you’re so frustrated!

All you want is to sleep easily without waking up multiple times AT night.

Wouldn’t it be nice if:

  • You’re able to wake up every morning feeling refreshed.

  • You have much more energy so you can excel at work and reach your goals.

  • You’re in a happier mood and so you can be present for your loved ones.

  • You can start attending social events because you’re no longer worried about sleep.

  • You know exactly what to do to reduce sleep anxiety.

  • You no longer have to spend so much time researching Insomnia treatments in Facebook groups, watching videos, reading blogs, and trying desperately to sleep.

  • You fall asleep easily every night without having to depend on sleep medications.

There’s a simple, pill free solution for insomnia.

In this women’s online insomnia treatment group, you’ll learn how to get rid of insomnia easily WITHOUT PILLS!

this women’s online Insomnia treatment Group will help you:

Photo by Shvets production via Pexels

Photo by Shvets production via Pexels

  • Change sleep thoughts and behaviors that contribute to insomnia, so you can finally sleep EASILY.

  • Create SIMPLE lifestyle habits that improve sleep and reduce sleep anxiety (no more fear of nighttime).

  • Teach your body to finally sleep, so you can be refreshed and WELL RESTED in the morning (no more feeling like a zombie!).

  • Finally get rid of insomnia WITHOUT pills.

The investment is $300 paid in full. (Or a payment plan of 2 payments of $160 each).

get rid of insomnia now. complete the form below to explore your next steps.

About the Group Facilitator

Hey there!

My name is Ibinye. I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who is practically obsessed with sleep. For years, I helped my clients who struggled with anxiety, but I was never able to help them with their insomnia- because let’s face it- therapists don’t learn how to treat insomnia in graduate school.

I stumbled upon an amazing secret to beating insomnia without pills, and I’ve used it to help my private clients overcome insomnia for years.

I started this insomnia group to give many more people access to the insomnia treatment. The solution for insomnia is so much easier and takes less time that you think.

Because I know you’re tired of going from one doctor the other, taking pill after pill and agonizing over sleep each night. Now you’ll finally be able to start that new business, attend family events, thrive at your work, be less cranky and actually be alert all day.

Insomnia is treatable and now you have access to the insomnia treatment.

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