christian therapist murrieta

What exactly is high sensitivity? And how to cope with it (Part 1)

What exactly is high sensitivity?  And how to cope with it (Part 1)

What exactly is high sensitivity?

If you have been told “You’re too sensitive,” “You cry too much,” “You need to toughen up,” “You need to not be so upset,” “You have no reason to be upset” or “You need to grow tougher skin,” then chances are you might actually be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

Finding understanding with difficult family members and loved ones

Finding understanding with difficult family members and loved ones

Being the odd one out within a family can be hard. You try your best to blend in, but it always feels like a punch in the gut when you are reminded that you are different. You keep your opinions to yourself, but once in a while, your true self comes peeking through.