Online therapist Houston

Questions to ask a prospective counselor or therapist in Houston

Questions to ask a prospective counselor or therapist in Houston

You’ve been searching for a therapist in Houston for a while. You've asked every friend you know, and looked in every therapist directory possible. Now you have a short list of therapists in Houston and you're not sure exactly what to ask them or how to know if this is the right therapist for you.

Well I've got you.

Here are some questions that you can ask a prospective therapist in Houston before you begin your therapy journey.

FAQ about counseling or therapy in Houston

FAQ about counseling or therapy in Houston

The Houston area is a pretty large metropolitan area. There are probably hundreds of therapists in Houston alone as well as in its surrounding cities. When you are thinking of starting therapy, you might have a million questions- and no one to help you answer them.

I’m going to answer frequently asked questions that you might have about counseling or therapy in the Houston area.