FAQ about counseling or therapy in Houston

The Houston area is a pretty large metropolitan area. There are probably hundreds of therapists in Houston alone as well as in its surrounding cities. When you are thinking of starting therapy, you might have a million questions- and no one to help you answer them.

I’m going to answer frequently asked questions that you might have about counseling or therapy in the Houston area. Here is a link to my previous post about how to find a counselor in Houston.

What exactly is counseling or therapy?

Therapy or counseling is the process of helping you work through emotional struggles, or difficult experiences that are causing you discomfort. Some people come to therapy because of trauma, anxiety, insomnia or depression. Others come because of life circumstances such as switching careers, moving to a new city, struggles in their marriage, or phase of life issues. As a counselor in Houston, I can defiantly tell you that my clients have such varying life experiences.

As an anxiety therapist in Houston, my clients experience anxiety due to trauma, difficult family upbringings, impostor syndrome, marriage struggles, insomnia and a host of other reasons.

Do I have to have a certain diagnosis to go to therapy?

Nope! You do not have to be experiencing specific symptoms to attend therapy. Some people who go to therapy do have a mental health diagnosis, however it is not a prerequisite for therapy. And not every therapist will diagnose you.

However, please note that if your health insurance company will be paying for services, they will require your therapist in Houston diagnose you in order to reimburse you for services rendered.

Do Black people go to therapy?

Absolutely! As a Black therapist in Houston, I can definitely verify that Black people also have emotional struggles and want to experience healing too. In fact, a long list of my clients are Black people as well as people of color. It is important to note that pretty much anyone of any race or ethnicity can benefit from therapy. Gone are the days when people just sat at home and struggled. it’s okay to let a counselor or therapist support you.

What should I expect from my first therapy session?

Every therapist conducts their sessions differently. When clients work with me, the first session is really dedicated to you getting to know me, and me getting to know you as well. That way I can provide you with a personalized therapy plan that would work for you.

During the first few therapy sessions we are really building rapport to ensure that we both feel comfortable with one another- so that you can open up. The most important factor in the success of counseling is the rapport and comfort between therapist and client.

In my first session, if we're doing talk therapy, as opposed to brainspotting therapy, I'll ask you questions about your upbringing, about what brings you to therapy, about your career, your physical health, past traumas, your significant relationships- all the things that make you who you are. This helps me create an individualized plan for you that will help you meet your therapy goals as quickly as we can.

Is it okay if a Christian goes to therapy?

Yes! In fact, as a Christian therapist in Houston, I work with my Christian clients to integrate scripture and faith into our therapy sessions. I believe that healing should involve the mind, the body and the spirit.

What do I say during my therapy session?

Say whatever comes to your mind. It’s normal to feel shy or unsure during the first few sessions- as you’re just getting to know your therapist. if I’m working with you, I’ll give you some prompts, so that things don’t get awkward.

Some of my clients like to write a list of things that are causing them pain or discomfort and we just go down the list in session. And if something else comes up organically, you’re free to discuss it.

Will my therapist in Houston tell everybody about my business?

Nope! We are sworn to confidentiality- okay maybe not sworn- but we do have to keep your information confidential by law. The only times when we might disclose your information is to report suspected child abuse, dependent adult abuse and elder abuse. We also could report if we suspect that you are a danger to yourself, to others or the property of others.

Will therapy work for me?

I can’t tell you absolutely that it will. However, therapy seems to work well for many people. As long as you are willing to trust the process and be open with your therapist, you probably will gain some new insights.

If you are ready to finally move beyond the anxiety that has held you hostage for years, click here to schedule your free 15-minute consultation call for therapy in Houston or counseling in Houston. I also conduct brainspotting therapy in Houston for anxiety and trauma, as well as marriage counseling in Houston.

About the Author

My name is Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali. I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in California and Texas. I help women who are struggling with anxiety and insomnia. I also help couples learn how to speak each other’s language, date each other again and manage conflict in a non-painful way.

Many of my clients are:

Highly sensitive people

High achieving women

People with insomnia

Couples who want to regain their friendship and trust

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