What your therapist is thinking when you're in session

Going to therapy or counseling with a therapist or psychologist can be difficult. You’ve probably struggled with whatever the issue is for months, or maybe years. You scour through all the Google or Psychology Today searches trying to find the best therapist for you. Maybe it’s your first time in therapy, so you’re super nervous about the therapy process. You’re not sure what to expect. And if you happen to live nearby, you know there a ton of therapists in the Murrieta/Temecula area to choose from.

Maybe you’ve watched therapy sessions on YouTube to try to get a feel for what therapy might look like. Or maybe you’ve Googled your way around the internet to help you feel more comfortable with the concept of siting with a therapist. By the way, I wrote a blog post about what your first therapy session looks like. You can read more about that here. Well if you’re ready to dive into therapy, and you wonder what your therapist is thinking when she sits across from you for 50 minutes, I’m here to lift the veil a bit. Therapy is a lot less spooky than you think. And no, I don’t typically say “What I hear you saying is…”

So here it goes. Here are 5 things I’m thinking when I sit across from my therapy clients:

You have a ton of strengths

When I meet you for the first time, I make it a point to listen in for as many strengths as I can. In our first session together, I typically will ask you “What are your strengths?” If at that time, you’re not able to come up with any, that’s fine, because I have got you covered. As you talk to me about who you are, what brought you into therapy and what you’re trying to accomplish, all I hear are your strengths. Most people I see are kind, resilient and intelligent, the problem is they haven’t been told that before. It is my job to help you see your strengths and learn how to harness the power of your strengths so that your life can blossom.

You’re going to be okay

Typically, I know that you’re going to be okay before you do. I’ve been a therapist for many years, I’ve seen so many different types of clients come in with all sorts of struggles, and I have a good sense of what the outcome will be. Because I am very selective about the clients I work with, I typically pick clients whom I can help- that way I’m not wasting your time. So after the first session, I know that you are going to be okay. The challenge for me is helping you truly believe that and harnessing your super powers (everyone has them) so that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy for you.

I really love what I do

Some days I really feel like pinching myself because I don’t believe that people actually allow me the privilege of entering into the dark spaces of their hearts and minds, and walking with them as they find their way to the light. Every single time I get to be in a therapy session, I think about the unique honor of being a therapist. And do I really love what I do? Absolutely. There is no other profession I would have chosen. And yes, sometimes when I’m sitting across from you, my heart does feel warm and fuzzy because you have allowed me to be a part of your success story.

If you think about it, most people hold on to their struggles and pain. Only very few people actually go on to see a therapist to talk about these painful struggles that they’ve been battling with for years. And so it’s not lost on me that you are making a brave choice to come into my therapy office in Murrieta or meet with me for online counseling or teletherapy.

I can’t wait till you get to the other side of your pain

My job is to hold hope for you when you don’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel. And sometimes, because I’m the only one in the room who knows there’s light at the end of the tunnel, my job is to help you get to the other side of your pain. Sometimes it is difficult for me to watch you feel pain and struggle, but because I always hold hope for my clients, I know that your life is going to be so amazing if I can get you over the threshold and unto the other side. Because although there are many lessons to learn when you’re sitting on the therapy couch and battling through all the difficulty, when you finally get to the other side, your life will blossom beyond your wildest imagination- at least that’s what I think.

You’re going to do great things

Now of course, I am very biased and I believe in the transformative power of therapy. But it is my belief that when people are transformed in the therapy room, they not only change their lives, but they also have the opportunity to change the lives of their families, friends and loved ones for the better. Your outlook on life changes, the way you talk changes, who you are even changes as well. And when I sit across from you, I get to see the transformation week to week. I often think about the way my clients are going to impact their families, impact their friends and just become a much better version of themselves.

The therapy process is truly a beautiful thing.

And there you have it. A little peak into the mind of a therapist. If you are considering seeking out therapy or counseling in Murrieta, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call. It’s important that your therapist is a great fit for you, so that you too can get to the other side of your anxiety or insomnia. I provide therapy or counseling services for women who struggle with anxiety and insomnia. Call now for your free 15-minute consultation.

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