couples counseling Temecula

What exactly is high sensitivity? And how to cope with it (Part 1)

What exactly is high sensitivity?  And how to cope with it (Part 1)

What exactly is high sensitivity?

If you have been told “You’re too sensitive,” “You cry too much,” “You need to toughen up,” “You need to not be so upset,” “You have no reason to be upset” or “You need to grow tougher skin,” then chances are you might actually be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

How the five languages can improve your marriage drastically

Marriage takes quite a bit of work. It is two people, coming together to intentionally create a life that works well. A great marriage however, is simply the result of a lifetime of work. There is no luck involved. It is about unlearning old patterns that no longer work for you, and relearning new patterns that can move your marriage forward.

In my opinion, one of the most helpful tools that all couples should learn within their marriage is the 5 love languages.

How to become an active listener in your marriage in 5 easy steps

How to become an active listener in your marriage in 5 easy steps

One of the biggest struggles that I notice during marriage counseling, is that couples do a pretty poor job of listening to one another. In the moment, things get heated, and you realize you have no idea how to effectively listen to your spouse.

You see, when most people hear their spouse speaking, they are running through all of their possible responses - instead of listening to what their spouse has to say. If you struggle with poor communication in your marriage, here is a simple way to become a better active listener in your marriage. Better communication in marriage helps improve your closeness and intimacy.

Marriage Counseling Tips: How to communicate almost anything in your marriage

Marriage Counseling Tips: How to communicate almost anything in your marriage

In marriage counseling in the Temecula, Murrieta area, I teach couples how to effectively communicate so that they can avoid fights, reduce misunderstandings and learn how to get on the same page. Click to learn more.

How to connect with your spouse with physical touch

How to connect with your spouse with physical touch

Here is a simple way to connect with your spouse if their love language is physical touch.

Now, before you roll your eyes at me or exit this page, let me just say that physical touch has absolutely NOTHING to do with sex.

5 simple ways to stay connected (or reconnect) with your spouse even if you have no extra time in your day

5 simple ways to stay connected (or reconnect) with your spouse even if you have no extra time in your day

You’re a busy bee. Between work, taking care of the kids, managing a household and planning for your goals and dreams, you barely have a second to yourself- let alone hours and hours to spend with your spouse. These are some of the simple tips that I give to my couples who are in marriage or couples counseling.